Thursday, June 24, 2010

Episode 96: You mean ear Muffs?

This episode covers the magical work of of animation special FX wizard Joe Gilland, as well as hanging out with him, Crazy old man Jenkin's wife stops by, and then we eat some plastic, trans-dimensional noises, blind dates, and there is of course much much more.

Click the play button on the magical music box to the right to listen. Or be a real hero and subscribe with iTunes. Still don't feel like a hero? Share the show with 2 people and it will... ummm... bring you good luck. Seriously, That's just a fact.



Thomas Collin said...

Ah, what a nice surprise it was to wake up to this Friday afternoon: a new episode. You guys are like a ray of sunshine in an otherwise repetitive and bleak world.

Adam Fitzgerald said...

That definately is a good book. I met the guy too, he came to the college earlier this year and I have my book signed.

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